Real professionals do not make compromises – least of all with temperature control. We developed the new LAUDA PRO thermostats for you.
Powerful bath thermostats for precise internal temperature control from -100 up to 250 °C. And particularly efficient circulation thermostats for dynamic heating and cooling of external applications from -45 up to 250 °C.
Professional laboratory technicians get what they really need with the new LAUDA PRO: nocompromise reliable temperature control in the research environment, application technology and production. How PRO are you?
Almost noiseless and vibration-free:
Peltier-cooled incubator IPP Excellent controllability, extremely small control fluctuations, low-vibration operation and impressive energy savings provide the added value from this perfect adaptation of Peltier technology. With its extensive range of appliances with Peltier elements for heating and cooling – such as the IPP Peltier-cooled incubator, the HPP constant climate chamber, the IPS cooled storage incubator and the Peltier-cooling unit for waterbaths – Memmert is the market leader in this technologically sophisticated segment.
Heating thermostats 25...100 °C
The heating thermostats A 6, A 12 and A 24 operate in the temperature range between 25 and 100 °C. As for the immersion thermostat, cooling coil and pump circulation set and a bath cover set are available as accessories.